This page covers basic types of trackable assets in Motive. The assets in Motive are used for both tracking of the objects and labeling of 3D markers in Motive, and they are managed under the Assets pane which can be opened by clicking on the icon. Each type of asset is further explained in the related pages.

Once Motive is prepared, the next step is to place markers on the subject and create corresponding assets. There are three different types of assets in Motive:
Marker Set
Rigid Body
For each Take, involved assets are displayed in the Assets pane, and the related properties show up at the Properties pane when an asset is selected within Motive.
The Marker Set is a list of marker labels that are used to annotate reconstructed markers. Marker Sets should only be used in situations where it is not possible to define a Rigid Body or Skeleton. In this case, the user will manually label markers in post-processing. When doing so, having a defined set of labels (Marker Set) makes this process much easier. Marker Sets within a Take will be listed in the Labels pane, and each label can be assigned through the Labeling process.
Rigid body and Skeleton assets are the Tracking Models. Rigid bodies are created for tracking rigid objects, and Skeleton assets are created for tracking human motions. These assets automatically apply a set of predefined labels to reconstructed trajectories using Motive's tracking and labeling algorithms, and Motive uses the labeled markers to calculate the position and orientation of the Rigid Body or Skeleton Segment. Both Rigid Body and Skeleton tracking data can be sent to other pipelines (e.g. animations and biomechanics) for extended applications. If new Skeletons or Rigid Bodies are created during post-processing, the take will need to be reconstructed and auto-labeled in order to apply the changes to the 3D data.
Assets may be created during both Live (before capture) or Post (after capture, from a loaded TAK) captures.
Copying Assets
The Assets pane lists out all assets that are available in the current capture. You can easily copy these assets onto other recorded Take(s) or to the live capture by doing the following:
Copying Assets to a Recorded _Take_
In order to copy and paste assets onto another Take, right-click on the desired Take to bring up the context menu and choose Copy Assets to Takes. This will bring up a dialog window for selecting which assets to move.
Copying Assets to Multiple Recorded _Take(s)_
If you wish to copy assets to multiple Takes, select multiple takes from the Data pane until the desired takes are all highlighted. Repeat the steps you took above for copying a single Take by right-clicking on any of the selected Takes. This should copy the assets you selected to all the selected Takes in the Data pane.
Copying Assets from a Recorded _Take_** to the Live Capture**
If you have a list of assets in a Take that you wish to import into the live capture, you can simply do this by right-clicking on the desired assets on the Assets pane, and selecting Copy Assets to Live.

For selecting multiple items, use Shift-click or Ctrl-click.
Exporting Assets
Assets can be exported into Motive user profile (.MOTIVE) file if it needs to be re-imported. The user profile is a text-readable file that can contain various configuration settings in Motive; including the asset definitions.
When the asset definition(s) is exported to a MOTIVE user profile, it stores marker arrangements calibrated in each asset, and they can be imported into different takes without creating a new one in Motive. Note that these files specifically store the spatial relationship of each marker, and therefore, only the identical marker arrangements will be recognized and defined with the imported asset.
To export the assets, go to Files tab → Export Assets to export all of the assets in the Live-mode or in the current TAK file. You can also use Files tab → Export Profile to export other software settings including the assets.

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