Motive API: Function Reference
Please use the table of contents to the right to navigate to specific functions or specific group of functions.
Important Note:
Some of the functions may be missing in the documentation. Please refer to the NPTrackingTools header file for any information that are not documented here.
Project Management
Initializes the API and prepares all connected devices for capturing. Please note that TT_Initialize also loads the default profile from the ProgramData directory: C:\ProgramData\OptiTrack\MotiveProfile.motive
. When there is a need to load the profile from a separate directory, use TT_LoadProfile function.
This function initializes the API library and prepares all connected devices for capturing.
When using the API, this function needs to be called at the beginning of a program before using the cameras.
Returns an NPRESULT value. When the function successfully updates the data, it returns 0 (or NPRESULT_SUCCESS).
Function Input
Function Output
C++ Example
Shuts down all of the connected devices.
This function closes down all connected devices and the camera library. To ensure that all devices properly shutdown, call this function before terminating an application.
When the function successfully closes down the devices, it returns 0 (or NPRESULT_SUCCESS).
When calling this function, currently configured camera calibration will be saved under the default System file.
Function Input
Function Output
C++ Example
Processes incoming frame data from the cameras.
This function updates frame information with the most recent data from the cameras and 3D processing engines.
Another use of this function is to pick up newly connected cameras. Call this function at the beginning of a program in order to make sure that all of the new cameras are properly recognized.
TT_Update vs. TT_UpdateSingleFrame: In the case when a client application stalls momentarily, the program may get behind on updating the frames. In this situation, the TT_Update() function will disregard accumulated frames and service only the most recent frame data, but this also means that the client application will be missing the previous frames. On the other hand, the TT_UpdateSingleFrame function ensures that always a consecutive frame is updated each time the function is called. In general, a user should always use TT_Update(). Only in the case where a user wants to ensure their client application has access to every frame of tracking data and they are having problems calling TT_Update() in a timely fashion, should they consider using TT_UpdateSingleFrame(). If it is important for your program to obtain and process every single frame, use the TT_UpdateSingleFrame() function for updating the data.
Returns an NPRESULT integer value, depending on whether the operation was successful or not. Returns NPRESULT_SUCCESS when it successfully updates the frame data.
Function Input
Function Output
C++ Example
Updates a single frame of camera data.
Every time this function is called, it updates frame information with the next frame of camera data.
Using this function ensures that every frame of data is processed.
TT_Update() vs. TT_UpdateSingleFrame(): In the case when a client application stalls momentarily, the program may get behind on updating the frames. In this situation, the TT_Update() function will disregard accumulated frames and service only the most recent frame data, but this also means that the client application will be missing the previous frames. On the other hand, the TT_UpdateSingleFrame function ensures that always a consecutive frame is updated each time the function is called. In general, a user should always use TT_Update(). Only in the case where a user wants to ensure their client application has access to every frame of tracking data and they are having problems calling TT_Update() in a timely fashion, should they consider using TT_UpdateSingleFrame(). If it is important for your program to obtain and process every single frame, use the TT_UpdateSingleFrame() function for updating the data.
Returns an NPRESULT value. When the function successfully updates the data, it returns 0 (or NPRESULT_SUCCESS).
Function Input
Function Output
C++ Example
TT_LoadCalibration, TT_LoadCalibrationW
Loads a Motive camera calibration file.
These functions load a camera calibration file (CAL).
Camera calibration files need to be exported from Motive.
Returns a NPRESULT integer value. If the file was successfully loaded, it returns NPRESULT_SUCCESS.
Function Input
Filename (const char, const wchar_t)
Function Output
C++ Example
TT_LoadRigidBodies, TT_LoadRigidBodiesW
Imports TRA files and loads Rigid Body assets from it.
This function imports and loads Rigid Body assets from a saved TRA file.
TRA files contain exported Rigid Body asset definitions from Motive.
All existing assets in the project will be replaced with the Rigid Body assets from the TRA file when this function is called. If you want to keep existing assets and only wish to add new Rigid Bodies, use TT_AddRigidBodies function.
Returns an NPRESULT integer value. It returns NPRESULT_SUCCESS when the file is successfully loaded.
Function Input
Filename (const char, const wchat_t)
Function Output
C++ Example
TT_SaveRigidBodies, TT_SaveRigidBodiesW
Saves all of the Rigid Body asset definitions into a TRA file.
This function saves all of the Rigid Body assets from the project into a TRA file.
Attach *.tra extension at the end of the filename.
Returns an NPRESULT integer value. It returns 0 or NPRESULT_SUCCESS when successfully saving the file.
Function Input
Filename (const char, const wchar_t)
Function Output
C++ Example
TT_AddRigidBodies, TT_AddRigidBodiesW
Loads a TRA file and adds its Rigid Body assets onto the project.
This function adds Rigid Body assets from the imported TRA file onto the existing list.
Adds Rigid Bodies from imported TRA files onto the asset list of the current project.
Returns an NPRESULT integer value. If the Rigid Bodies have been added successfully, it returns 0 or NPRESULT_SUCCESS.
Function Input
Filename (const char, const wchat_t)
Function Output
C++ Example
TT_LoadProfile, TT_LoadProfileW
Loads a Motive User Profile (.MOTIVE).
Loads the default application profile file (MOTIVE), which is located in the ProgramData directory:
The MOTIVE files store software configurations as well as other software-wide settings.
Profile files also loads trackable asset definitions. Once the application profile containing trackable assets is imported, there is no need to import TRA and SKL files separately.
Returns an NPRESULT integer value. If the project file was successfully loaded, it returns 0 (NPRESULT_SUCCESS).
Function Input
Filename (const char, const wchar_t)
Function Output
C++ Example
TT_LoadProject, TT_LoadProjectW
Loads a Motive TTP project file.
Loads a Motive TTP project file. TTP project file loads and saves both camera calibration and Rigid Body assets, so when using TTP files, there is no need to import or export CAL or TRA files separately.
Loading a project file will import all of the required information for tracking. These include camera calibration and Rigid Body assets that are associated with a Motive project.
Returns an NPRESULT integer value. If the project file was successfully loaded, it returns 0 (NPRESULT_SUCCESS).
Function Input
Filename (const char, const wchar_t)
Function Output
C++ Example
TT_SaveProfile, TT_SaveProfileW
Saves current application setting into a Profile XML file.
This function saves the current configuration into an application Profile XML file.
Attach *.xml extension at the end of the filename.
Returns an NPRESULT integer value. If the profile XML file was saved successfully, it returns 0 (NPRESULT_SUCCESS).
Function Input
Filename (const char, const wchar_t)
Function Output
C++ Example
TT_SaveProject, TT_SaveProjectW
Loads calibration from memory.
This function loads camera calibration from memory. In order to do this, the program must have saved calibration memory.
It assumes the pointer argument (unsigned char*) points to a memory block where calibration data is already stored. The address and size of the calibration buffer must be determined by the developer using the API.
Function Input
Buffer (unsigned char*)
Size of the buffer (int)
Function Output
C++ Example
Gets camera extrinsics from a calibration file in memory.
This allows for acquiring camera extrinsics for cameras not connected to system.
It simply returns the list of details for all cameras contained in the calibration file.
Function Input
Buffer (unsigned char*)
Size of the buffer (int)
Function Output
C++ Example
Start a new calibration wanding for all cameras.
This will cancel any existing calibration process.
Function Input
Function Output
C++ Example
Returns the current calibration state.
Returns the current calibration state.
Function Input
Function Output
C++ Example
During calibration wanding, this will return a vector of camera indices that are lacking the minimum number of calibration samples to begin calculation.
When the returned vector for this method goes to zero size, you can call TT_StartCalibrationCalculation() to begin calibration calculations.
Wanding samples will continue to be collected until TT_StartCalibrationCalculation() is called.
Function Input
Function Output
Vector (int)
C++ Example
During calibration wanding.
This will return the number of wand samples collected for the given camera.
Return 0 otherwise.
Function Input
Camera index (int)
Function Output
Number of samples (int)
C++ Example
Cancels wanding or calculation and resets calibration engine.
Cancels wanding or calculation
Resets calibration engine
Function Input
Function Output
Exits either TT_StartCalibrationWanding() or TT_StartCalibratoinCalculation()
C++ Example
Once wanding is complete, call this to begin the calibration calculations.
Starts calibration calculations after wanding.
Function Input
Boolean value
Function Output
Starts calculation
C++ Example
During calibration calculation.
This method will return the current calibration quality in the range [0-5], with 5 being best.
Returns zero otherwise
Function Input
Function Output
Quality on scale of 0-5 (int)
C++ Example
Run once TT_CalibrationState() returns "Complete".
Call this method to apply the calibration results to all cameras.
Function Input
Function Output
Apply calibration results
C++ Example
Set the ground plane using a standard or custom ground plane template.
If true then this function will use a custom ground plane.
Function Input
Boolean value of useCustomGroundPlane
Function Output
Either applies custom or preset ground plane to calibration.
C++ Example
Translate the existing ground plane (in mm).
Takes float variables to alter existing ground plane.
Function Input
X, Y, and Z values (float)
Function Output
Applies new values to existing ground plane.
C++ Example
Data Streaming
Enables/disables the NatNet streaming of the Natrual Point tracking data.
This function enables/disables NaturalPoint data stream.
This is equivalent to the Broadcase Frame Data in the Data Streaming panel in Motive.
Returns a NPRESULT integer value. If the operation was successful, it returns 0 (NPRESULT_SUCCESS).
Function Input
Boolean argument enabled (true) / disabled (false)
Function Output
C++ Example
Enables/disables streaming frame data into trackd.
This function enables/disables streaming data into trackd.
Returns a NPRESULT integer value. If the operation was successful, it returns 0 (NPRESULT_SUCCESS).
Function Input
True for enabling and false for disabling (bool)
Function Output
C++ Example
Enables/disables data stream into VRPN.
This function enables/disables data streaming into VRPN.
To stream onto VRPN, the port address must be specified. VRPN server applications run through 3883 port, which is default port for the VRPN streaming.
Returns an NPRESULT integer value. If streaming was successfully enabled, or disabled, it returns 0 (NPRESULT_SUCCESS).
Function Input
True for enabling and false for disabling (bool)
Streaming port address (int)
Function Output
C++ Example
3D Frame Data
Gets total number of reconstruected markers in a frame.
This function returns a total number of reconstructed 3D markers detected in current capture frame.
Use this function to count a total number of markers, access every markers, and obtain the marker index values.
Function Input
Function Output
Total number of reconstructed markers in the frame (int)
C++ Example
Returns x-position of a reconstructed marker.
This function returns X coordinate of a reconstructed 3D marker in respect to the global coordinate system, in meters.
It requires a marker index value.
Function Input
Marker index (int)
Function Output
X-position of the 3D marker (float)
C++ Example
Returns y-position of a reconstructed marker.
This function returns Y coordinate of a reconstructed 3D marker in respect to the global coordinate system, in meters.
It requires a marker index value.
Function Input
Marker index (int)
Function Output
Y-position of the 3D marker (float)
C++ Example
Returns z-position of a reconstructed marker.
This function returns Z coordinate of a reconstructed 3D marker in respect to the global coordinate system, in meters.
It requires a marker index value.
Function Input
Marker index (int)
Function Output
Z-position of the 3D marker (float)
C++ Example
Returns residual value of a marker.
This function returns a residual value for a given marker indicated by the marker index.
Unit of the returned value is in millimeters.
The marker index value may change between frames, but the unique identifier will always remain the same.
Function Input
Marker index (int)
Function Output
Residual value (float)
Returns a unique identifier of a marker.
This function returns a unique identifier (cUID) for a given marker.
Markers have an index from 0 to [totalMarkers -1] for a given frame. In order to access unique identifier of any marker, it's index must be inputted.
The marker index value may change between frames, but the unique identifier will always remain the same.
Function Input
Marker index (int)
Function Output
Marker label (cUID)
C++ Example
Returns a timestamp value for the current frame.
This function returns a timestamp value of the current frame.
Function Input
Function Output
Frame timestamp (double)
C++ Example
Checks whether a camera is contributing to reconstruction of a 3D marker, and saves corresponding 2D location as detected in the camera's view.
This function evaluates whether the specified camera (cameraIndex) is contributing to point cloud reconstruction of a 3D point (markerIndex).
It returns true if the camera is contributing to the marker.
After confirming that the camera contributes to the reconstruction, this function will save the 2D location of the corresponding marker centroid in respect to the camera's view.
The 2D location is saved in the declared variable.
Function Input
3D reconstructed marker index (int)
Camera index (int)
Reference variables for saving x and y (floats).
Function Output
True / False (bool)
C++ Example
Flushes out the camera queues.
This function flushes camera queues.
In an event when you are tracking a very high number (hundreds) of markers and the application has accumulated data processing latency, you can call TT_FlushCameraQueues() to refresh the camera queue before calling TT_Update() for processing the frame. After calling this function, avoid calling it again until the TT_Update() function is called and NPRESULT_SUCCESS is returned.
Function Input
Function Output
C++ Example
Rigid Bodies
Checks whether Rigid Body is tracked or not.
Checks whether the Rigid Body is being tracked in the current frame.
Returns true if the Rigid Body is tracked.
Function Input
Rigid body index (int)
Function Output
True / False (bool)
C++ Example
Obtains and saves 3D position, quaternion orientation, and Euler orientation of a Rigid Body
This function saves position and orientation of a Rigid Body. Specifically, position and orientation at the Rigid Body pivot point is obtained.
3D coordinates of the Rigid Body will be assigned in declared variable addresses (*x, *y, *z).
Orientation of the Rigid Body will be saved in two different formats; Euler and quaternion rotations. Yaw, pitch, and roll values for Euler representation will be saved in the declared variable addresses (*yaw, *pitch, *roll), and qx, qy, qz, and qw values for the quaternion rotation will be saved in declared variable addresses (*qx, *qy, *qz, and *qw).
Function Input
Rigid body index (int)
Declared variable (float) addresses for:
3D coordinates (x,y,z)
Quaternion Rotation (qx, qy, qz, qw)
Euler Rotation ( yaw, pitch, roll)
Function Output
C++ Example
Clears and removes all Rigid Body assets.
This function clears all of existing Rigid Body assets in the project.
Function Input
Function Output
C++ Example
Removes a Rigid Body from the project
This function removes a single Rigid Body from a project.
Returns a NPRESULT integer value. If the operation was successful, it returns 0 (NPRESULT_SUCCESS).
Function Input
Rigid body index (int)
Function Output
C++ Example
Returns a total number of Rigid Bodies.
This function returns a total count of Rigid Bodies involved in the project.
This can be used within a loop to set required number iterations and access each of the Rigid Bodies.
Function Input
Function Output
Total Rigid Body count (int)
C++ Example
Returns the User Data ID value of a Rigid Body.
This function returns the User Data ID number of a Rigid Body.
User ID is a user definable ID for the Rigid Body. When working with capture data in external pipelines, this value can be used to address specific Rigid Bodies in the scene.
Function Input
Rigid body index (int)
Function Output
User Data ID (int)
C++ Example
Assigns a User Data ID number to a Rigid Body.
Assigns a User Data ID number to a Rigid Body.
The User Data ID numbers can be used to point to particular assets when processing the data in external applications.
Function Input
Rigid body index (int)
Desired User Data ID (int)
Function Output
C++ Example
Returns a mean error of the Rigid Body tracking data.
Returns a mean error value of the respective Rigid Body data for the current frame.
Function Input
Rigid body index (int)
Function Output
Mean error (meters)
TT_RigidBodyName, TT_RigidBodyNameW
Returns the name for the Rigid Body.
These functions are used to obtain name of a Rigid Body.
Returns the assigned name of the Rigid Body.
Function Input
Rigid body index (int)
Function Output
Rigid body name (const char*, const w_chart*)
C++ Example
Enables/disables tracking of a Rigid Body.
This function enables, or disables, tracking of the selected Rigid Body.
All Rigid Bodies are enabled by default. Disabled Rigid Bodies will not be tracked, and no data will be received from it.
Function Input
Rigid body index (int)
Tracking status (bool)
Function Output
C++ Example
Checks whether a Rigid Body is enabled.
This function checks whether tracking of the Rigid Body is enabled or not.
The function returns true is the tracking is enabled.
Function Input
Rigid body index (int)
Function Output
True / False (bool)
C++ Example
Translates the pivot point of a Rigid Body.
This function translates a Rigid Body.
3D position of a Rigid Body will be displaced in x/y/z directions by inputted amount (meters).
Translation is applied in respect to the local Rigid Body coordinate axis, not the global axis.
Returns a NPRESULT integer value. If the operation was successful, it returns 0 (NPRESULT_SUCCESS).
Function Input
Rigid body index (int)
Translation along x-axis, in meters. (float)
Translation along y-axis, in meters. (float)
Translation along z-axis, in meters. (float)
Function Output
C++ Example
Resets orientation of a Rigid Body.
This function resets orientation of the Rigid Body and re-aligns its orientation axis with the global coordinate system.
Additional Note: When creating a Rigid Body, its zero orientation is set by aligning its axis with the global axis at the moment of creation. Calling this function essentially does the same thing on an existing Rigid Body asset.
Returns true if the Rigid Body orientation was reset.
Function Input
Rigid body index (int)
Function Input
True / False (bool)
C++ Example
Gets total number of markers in a Rigid Body.
This function returns total number of markers involved in a Rigid Body.
Function Input
Rigid body index (int)
Function Output
Total number of marker in the Rigid Body (int)
C++ Example
Saves 3D coordinates of a solved Rigid Body marker in respect to respective Rigid Body's local space.
This function gets 3D position of a solved Rigid Body marker and saves them in designated addresses. Rigid body marker positions from this function represents solved (or expected) location of the Rigid Body markers. For actual reconstructed marker positions, use the TT_RigidBodyPointCloudMarker function.
Note that the 3D coordinates obtained by this function is represented in respect to Rigid Body's local coordinate axis. For obtaining 3D coordinate in respect to global coordinates, use TT_RigidBodyPointCloudMarker function.
Function Input
Rigid body index (int)
Marker index (int)
Three declared variable addresses for saving x, y, z coordinates of the marker (float)
Function Output
C++ Example
Changes and updates the Rigid Body marker positions.
This function is used to change the expected positions of a single Rigid Body marker.
Rigid body markers are expected marker positions. Read about marker types in Motive.
Function Input
Rigid body index (int)
Marker index (int)
New x-position of the Rigid Body marker in respect to the local coordinate system.
New y-position of the Rigid Body marker in respect to the local coordinate system.
New z-position of the Rigid Body marker in respect to the local coordinate system.
Function Output
Returns true if marker locations have been successfully updated.
Saves 3D coordinates of a Rigid Body marker in respect to the global space.
This function saves 3D coordinates of each Rigid Body marker in designated addresses.
3D coordinates are saved in respect to global coordinate system.
Function Input
Rigid body index (int)
Marker index (int)
Tracked status, True or False (bool)
Three declared variable addresses for saving x, y, z coordinates of the marker (float).
Function Output
C++ Example
Saves 3D coordinates of a Rigid Body solved marker positions in respect to the global space. Unlike TT_RigidBodyPointCloudMarker function, it does not report point cloud solved positions, but it reports the expected marker positions in respect to Rigid Body position and orientation.
This function saves 3D coordinates of each expected Rigid Body marker positions in designated variable addresses.
3D coordinates are saved in respect to global coordinate system.
Function Input
Rigid body index (int)
Marker index (int)
Tracked status, True or False (bool)
Three declared variable addresses for saving x, y, z coordinates of the marker (float).
Function Output
C++ Example
This function is used for obtaining unique identifiers for a specific Rigid Body indicated by the Rigid Body index number.
Function Input
Rigid body index (int)
Function Output
Rigid body unique ID (Core::cUID)
Creates a Rigid Body asset from a set of reconstructed 3D markers.
This functions creates a Rigid Body from the marker list and marker count provided in its argument.
The marker list is expected to contain a list of marker coordinates in the following order: (x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, …, xN, yN, zN). The x/y/z coordinates must be in respect to the Rigid Body pivot point, in meters.
Inputted 3D locations are taken as Rigid Body marker positions about the Rigid Body pivot point. If you are using TT_FrameMarkerX/Y/Z functions to obtain the marker coordinates, you will need to subtract the pivot point location from the global marker locations when creating a Rigid Body. This is shown in the below example. If this is not done, created Rigid Body will have its pivot point at the global origin.
Returns an NPRESULT integer value. If the Rigid Body was successfully created, it returns 0 or NPRESULT_SUCCESS.
Function Input
Rigid body name (char)
User Data ID (int)
Marker Count (int)
Marker list (float list)
Function Output
C++ Example