Class: cCameraGroupPointCloudSettings

The cCameraGroupPointCloudSettings class contains variables for configuring the point cloud reconstruction settings. When first declaring an instance of this class, it will query the currently configured point cloud settings, and you can view or modify the settings through its member methods. There are multiple enum variables for defining various reconstruction settings. Please refer to the Reconstruction and 2D Mode page for detailed descriptions on individual settings.

Member Functions

SetBoolParameter, SetDoubleParameter, SetLongParameter

These member functions are used for changing reconstruction settings (bool, double, long) of a cCameraGroupPointCloudSettings instance. Call matching data type functions to modify the parameters.

bool	SetBoolParameter( Setting which, bool val );
bool	SetDoubleParameter( Setting which, double val );
bool	SetLongParameter( Setting which, long val );

BoolParameter, DoubleParameter, LongParameter

These member functions fetches a point cloud reconstruction parameter from a cCameraGroupPointCloudsettings instance and saves it in the designated address. Call matching data type functions to obtain the parameters.

bool	BoolParameter( Setting which, bool &val ) const;
bool	DoubleParameter( Setting which, double &val ) const;
bool	LongParameter( Setting which, long &val ) const;

Declaration: NPTrackingTools.h

<source> class TTAPI cCameraGroupPointCloudSettings { public:

   enum Setting : unsigned long long
       eResolvePointCloud = 1LL,               // bool
       eShowCameras = 1LL << 1,                // bool
       eVisibleMarkerSize = 1LL << 2,          // double
       ePCResidual = 1LL << 3,                 // double
       ePCMinAngle = 1LL << 4,                 // double
       ePCMinRays = 1LL << 5,                  // long
       eShutterDelay = 1LL << 6,               // long
       ePrecisionPacketCap = 1LL << 7,        // long
       ePCMinRayLength = 1LL << 8,            // double
       ePCMaxRayLength = 1LL << 9,            // double
       ePCReconstructMinX = 1LL << 10,         // double
       ePCReconstructMaxX = 1LL << 11,         // double
       ePCReconstructMinY = 1LL << 12,         // double
       ePCReconstructMaxY = 1LL << 13,         // double
       ePCReconstructMinZ = 1LL << 14,         // double
       ePCReconstructMaxZ = 1LL << 15,         // double
       ePCObjectFilterLevel = 1LL << 16,       // long
       ePCObjectFilterMinSize = 1LL << 17,     // long
       ePCObjectFilterMaxSize = 1LL << 18,     // long
       ePCObjectFilterCircularity = 1LL << 19, // double
       ePCObjectFilterGrayscaleFloor = 1LL << 20, // long
       ePCObjectFilterAspectTolerance = 1LL << 21, // long
       ePCObjectFilterObjectMargin = 1LL << 22, // long
       eShowReconstructionBounds = 1LL << 23,  // bool
       eBoundReconstruction = 1LL << 24,       // bool
       eShowCaptureVolume = 1LL << 25,         // bool
       eShow3DMarkers = 1LL << 26,             // bool
       eShowCameraFOV = 1LL << 27,             // bool
       eCameraOverlap = 1LL << 28,             // double
       eVolumeResolution = 1LL << 29,          // double
       eWireframe = 1LL << 30,                 // double
       eFOVIntensity = 1LL << 31,              // double
       ePCPixelGutter = 1LL << 32,             // long
       ePCMaximum2DPoints = 1LL << 33,         // long
       eBlockWidth = 1LL << 34,                // double
       eBlockHeight = 1LL << 35,               // double
       eSynchronizerEngine = 1LL << 36,        // long 1=v1.0  2=v2.0
       eMarkerDiameterType = 1LL << 37,        // long
       eMarkerDiameterForceSize = 1LL << 38,   // double
       eSynchronizerControl = 1LL << 39,       // long
       eContinuousCalibration = 1LL << 40,     // bool
//== Set individual parameter values. Only values that are set will be changed when submitting
//== the settings block to TT_SetCameraGroupPointCloudSettings. These methods will return false 
//== if there is a mismatch between the requested parameter and its expected type.
   bool            SetBoolParameter( Setting which, bool val );
   bool            SetDoubleParameter( Setting which, double val );
   bool            SetLongParameter( Setting which, long val );
//== Retrieve individual parameter settings from the parameter block. These methods will return false 
//== if there is a mismatch between the requested parameter and its expected type.
   bool            BoolParameter( Setting which, bool &val ) const;
   bool            DoubleParameter( Setting which, double &val ) const;
   bool            LongParameter( Setting which, long &val ) const;
      unsigned long long mWhichSet;
      void *mSettings;

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