Labels Pane

In Motive, the Labeling pane can be accessed under the View tab or by clicking Toolbar Labeling Icon.png icon on the main toolbar.

For more explanation on the labeling workflow, read through the Labeling workflow page.



QuickLabel Mode

Label QuickLabelMode 20.png

Switch to the QuickLabel Mode, which allows assigning selected labels with just one-click.

Select Mode

Switch back to the Select Mode, which is used for normal operations.

Split Column View

Label SplitColumns.png

Splits the list of labels into two columns for organization purposes. Unlabeled trajectories will be sorted on the right column, and the selected marker set labels are sorted on the left column.

Apply Labels to Previous Frames

Label ApplyBefore.png

When this button is enabled, the marker labels will be applied to same marker trajectories from current frames backward. When disabled, the labels will not be assigned for previous frames.

Apply Labels to Upcoming Frames

When this button is enabled, the marker labels will be applied to same marker trajectories from current frames forward. When disabled, the labels will not be assigned for upcoming frames.

Increment Label Selection

This button is used to set the selection advancement behavior as each label is assigned. Available settings are:

  • Do not increment: Selection stays the same after labeling

  • Go to next label: Selection advances to the next label on the list

  • Go to next unlabeled marker: Selection advances to the next unlabeled marker on the list.


Performs auto-labeling for selected Takes in the session

Unlabel Selected

Unlabels selected trajectories.

Marker Labels

Labeling pane includes a list of marker labels that are associated with the capture. The color of each label tells whether the marker is tracked in the current frame, and the corresponding gap percentage is indicated next to each label. When a marker set is chosen under the Selected dropdown menu, only associated labels will be listed. In addition, the marker set selection can also be linked to 3D selection in the perspective view pane when the Link to 3D button Label Link3D.png is enabled.

White Label

The assigned label is assigned to a marker in the current frame

Orange Label

The marker exists in the current frame, but it is unlabeled.

Red Label

The marker is not tracked in the current frame.

Labeling Settings

Labeling Range Settings


Assign labels to a selected marker for all, or selected, frames in a capture.

Labeling entire range of a trajectory using the All/Selected setting.
Labeling only selected range of a trajectory using the All/Selected setting.


Applies labels to a marker within the frame range bounded by trajectory gaps and spikes (erratic change). The Max Spike value sets the threshold for spikes which will be used to set the labeling boundary. The Max Gap size determines the tolerable gap size in a fragment, and trajectory gaps larger than this value will set the labeling boundary. This setting is efficient when correcting labeling swaps.

Max Gap

This sets the tolerable gap sizes for both gap ends of the fragment labeling.

Max Spike

Sets the max allowable velocity of a marker (mm/frame) for it to be considered as a spike.

A trajectory fragment bounded by gaps.
A trajectory fragment bounded by spikes.

Last updated