Toolbar/Command Bar

This page lists out the options that are available on the toolbar and the command bar of Motive.


Command Bar


Open: Prompts user to select a file to open. Applicable files include Take files (.tak), Camera Calibration files (.cal), Motive user profile (.motive), Rigid Body definitions (.tra deprecated), Skeleton defintions (.skl deprecated).

Add Session Folder: Adds a session folder to the Data pane in Motive. This will list all of the available TAK files within the session folder.

Import Shot List: Import a list of Take names to record from a CSV file that contains Take names on each row This allows users to plan which motions to capture ahead of the time. See: Data Recording page.

Save Current Take: Saves currently opened Take.

Save Current Take As: Prompts the user to select a filename and a directory to save the current Take.

Save All Takes: Save all Takes from all of the sessions loaded in the Data Management pane.

Profile (MOTIVE) files: MOTIVE profile stores software configurations. Software setting such as applications settings, streaming setting, trackable assets, synchronization configurations, and/or device configurations can be saved into this file. This file can be exported and imported to configurations in Motive.

Update Default Profile: Manually update the current software configurations onto the default system profile. Which loads up at first when launching Motive and located under C:\ProgramData\OptiTrack\MotiveProfile.motive.

Export Profile As...: Exports the current software configurations into an application profile (MOTIVE).

Export Assets...: Export just the assets (rigid bodies, skeletons, markersets) to a MOTIVE file.

Export Camera Calibration: Exports the current system calibration file(.cal) to a desired location.

Export Tracking Data: Exports tracking data from a selected Take into the desired output format. See: Data Export.

Export Video: Exports reference video to an AVI file. To play this file in Windows Media Player, a codec needs to be installed.

Export Take Info: Exports basic information of each TAK in the currently loaded session folder.

Recent Files: Displays a list recently opened Take files. This list will display the director of the recent files.

Exit: Closes the Motive application.


Undo: Reverts data processing actions (i.e. deleting data, merging markers, filling gaps).

Redo: Reverts an Undo.

Trim Current Take: Archives the original take file and crops out the working range selected in the Graph View pane. For more information, read through the Trimming Captured Takes.

Application Settings: Opens the Application Settings pane.

Mouse Controls: Opens Mouse Controls pane for configuring mouse controls.

Hotkeys: Opens the Hotkey Editor pane for configuring custom Hotkeys

Reset Application Defaults: Sets all application settings to the default setting.


Hide All Panes: This closes all of Motive's panes except the main viewport.

Devices pane: Opens Devices pane, or Cameras pane for Motive version 1.10 and below.

Camera Calibration pane: Opens the Calibration pane for calibrating the camera system.

Data Pane: Opens the Data Management pane for managing the recorded captures.

Assets Pane: Opens the Assets pane for managing the list of tracked assets as well as integrated devices such as force plates and data acquisition devices.

Properties Pane: Opens the Properties pane for managing the properties of selected items in Motive.

Info Pane: Opens the Info pane for monitoring real-time tracking data of a rigid body.

Builder Pane: Opens the Builder pane for creating trackable models or assets. Specifically, this pane is used for creating rigid body models and skeleton models in Motive.

Marker Sets Pane: Opens the Markersets pane for managing selected markerset assets.

Edit Tools Pane: Opens the Edit Tools pane.

Labeling Pane: Opens the Labeling Pane.

Graph 1 & Graph 2: Opens Graph View pane for monitoring the channel data.

Data Streaming pane: Opens the Data Streaming pane. See: Data Streaming

Status Log pane: Opens the Status Log.

Dockable Viewports: Opens additional viewports.

Reference Overlays: Opens a Reference View window which displays and overlays the 2D view from the selected reference camera.

Toolbar: Toggles display of the Toolbar on/off.


Note: Layout configurations from Motive versions prior to 2.0 cannot be loaded. Please re-create and update the layouts for use.

Calibrate: Displays panes applicable to system calibration. (Cameras, Perspective View, Camera Preview, Camera Calibration, Reconstruction)

Create: Displays panes applicable to asset creation and modification. (Project, Perspective View, Timeline, Skeleton, Rigid Bodies)

Capture: Displays panes applicable to capturing a take. (Project, Perspective View, Timeline)

Edit: Displays panes applicable to editing a take. (Project, Perspective View, Timeline, Edit Tools).

Create Layout: Saves the current layout. Saved custom layouts can be accessed from the drop-down menu located at the top-right corner of Motive.

Delete Layout: Deletes the saved custom layout.

Update Current: Updates the selected custom layout from the drop-down menu located at the top-right corner of Motive.

Set as Default: Sets the current layout as a default layout setup for starting Motive.

Custom Layouts: List of custom layouts that are created by the user. In the screenshot, Label Fix and Skeleton Label layouts are added as an example


Measurements: Opens the Measurement pane which contains the Volume Accuracy tool for measuring the accuracy and the Probe tool for probe measurements.

Coordinate System Tools: (For Tracking Bars only) Opens the Coordinate System Tools pane, which replaces the ground plane tools for Duo/Trio Tracking bars.

Audio Settings: Opens the Audio Capture and Playback Settings panel which allows you to select and test audio input/output devices.


Ask A Question: Opens the NaturalPoint forums in a web browser where you can ask any question and get answers.

Documentation Wiki: Opens online Motive documentation in a default web browser.

Tutorial & Training Videos: Opens the OptiTrack Wiki.

Submit Feedback: Opens a dialog box where you may submit any comments you have.

OptiTrack Products Catalog: Opens the OptiTrack online product catalog in a web browser.

Support Forums: Opens NaturalPoint's support forum.


OptiTrack Support: Opens the OptiTrack support site.

News: Opens NaturalPoint's news feed.

Batch Processing Help: Opens the wiki documentation page on the Motive Batch Processor.

Check For Updates: Use this if you want to learn more about upgrading Motive.

Show Quick Start: Links you to our Quick Start Guide.

Startup News Check: This is a toggle for receiving notifications for Motive updates.

License Folder: Opens the folder location of your license files.

Application Folders: Opens the Application Folders pane that provides easy access to folders related to Motive.

About Motive: Displays information about the version of Motive currently running.

Last updated