Data Export: FBX

A Motive Body license can export tracking data into FBX files for use in other 3D pipelines. There are two types of FBX files: Binary FBX and ASCII FBX.

Notes for MotionBuilder Users

  • When exporting tracking data into MotionBuilder in the FBX file format, make sure the exported frame rate is supported in MotionBuilder (Mobu). In Mobu, there is a select set of playback frame rate that are supported, and the rate of the exported FBX file must agree in order to play back the data properly.

  • If there is a non-standard frame rate selected that is not supported, the closest supported frame rate is applied.

For more information, please visit Autodesk Motionbuilder's Documentation Support site.


Autodesk has discontinued support for FBX ASCII import in MotionBuilder 2018 and above. For alternatives when working in MotionBuilder, please see the Autodesk MotionBuilder: OptiTrack Optical Plugin page.

Exported FBX files in ASCII format can contain reconstructed marker coordinate data as well as 6 Degree of Freedom data for each involved asset depending on the export setting configurations. ASCII files can also be opened and edited using text editor applications.

FBX ASCII Export Options

FBX Binary

Binary FBX files are more compact than ASCII FBX files. Reconstructed 3D marker data is not included within this file type, but selected Skeletons are exported by saving corresponding joint angles and segment lengths. For Rigid Bodies, positions and orientations at the defined Rigid Body origin are exported.

FBX Binary Export Options

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