Properties Pane: Take

When a Take is selected from the Data pane, related information will be displayed in the Properties pane.

From the Properties pane, you can get the general information about the Take, including the total number of recorded frames, capture data/time, and the list of assets involved in the recording. Also, when needed, the solver settings that were used in the recorded TAK can be modified, and these changes will be applied when performing post-processing reconstruction.


Take properties listed under the Properties pane.


Take name

Frame Rate

The camera frame rate in which the take was captured. The Take file will contain the corresponding number of frames for each second.

Start Frame

The frame ID of the first frame saved on the Take.

End Frame

The frame ID of the last frame saved on the Take.

Start Time

A timestamp of when the recording was first captured started.

End Time

A timestamp of when the recording was ended.


Names of assets that are included in the Take


Comments regarding the take can be noted here for additional information.


Marks the best take. Takes that are marked as best can also be accessed via Motive Batch Processor scripts.

Capture Data/Time

Date and time when the capture was recorded.

Captured in Version

The version of Motive which the Take was recorded in. (This applies only to Takes that were captured in versions 1.10 or above)

Captured in Build

The build of Motive which the Take was recorded in.

Health State

The data quality of the Take which can be flagged by users.


Progress indicator for showing how into the post-processing workflow that this Take has made.

Calibration Info

Camera system calibration details for the selected Take. Takes recorded in older versions of Motive may not contain this data.

Calibration Time Stamp

Shows when the cameras were calibrated.

Residual Mean Error

Shows mean residual offset value during calibration.

Residual 50/95/99 Percentile Error

Displays percentile distribution of the residual errors.

Wand Mean Error

Displays a mean error value of the detected wand length samples throughout the wanding process.

Wand 50/95/99

Displays percentile distribution of the wand errors.

Calibration Wand

Shows what type of wand was used: Standard, Active, or Micron series.

Wand Length

Displays the length of the calibration wand used for the capture.

Wand Center Offset

Distance from one of the end markers to the center marker, specifically the shorter segment.

Camera Filters - Software

The camera filter settings in the Take properties determine which IR lights from the recorded 2D camera data contributes to the post-processing reconstruction pipeline when re-calulating the 3D data when needed.

For more information on these settings in Live mode, please refer to the Application Settings: Live Pipeline page.

Solver/Reconstruction Settings

The Solver/Reconstruction settings under the Take properties are the 3D data solver parameters that were used to obtain the 3D data saved in the Take file. In Edit mode, you can change these parameters and perform the post-processing reconstruction pipeline to obtain a new set of 3D data with the modified parameters.

For more information on these settings in Live mode, please refer to the Application Settings: Live Pipeline page.

Last updated