Place the marker on the head tip.
Place the marker at the center of the forehead.
HeadLeft HeadRight
Place markers on each side of the head (left and right), slightly above the ear. For better tracking results, the marker arrangement formed by HeadLeft, HeadRight, and HeadFront should form an asymmetrical arrangement. To achieve this, you can introduce a slight offset to one of the markers placed on the side, either HeadLeft or HeadRight marker.
Place the marker on the spine right below the neck. For best results, LUArmHigh-LShoulderBack-BackTop-RshoulderBack-RUArmHigh markers should align roughly in a straight line when the actor is in T-pose. Also, note that this marker must be placed at an elevation higher than the chest marker for the torso segment to be tracked properly.
Place the marker at the center of the sternum, about 5 cm below where the neck starts.
BackLeft BackRight
These two markers are located symmetrically on each side of the back, slightly below the lowest end of the shoulder blade (scapular bone).
When placing the shoulder markers, ask the actor to stand in the T-pose in order to place the markers on accurate locations. It could also be helpful to ask the actor to do few rounds of arm abduction and adduction to palpate for the shoulder axis. These markers determine the width of the shoulder and respective relationship with the upper arm segment.
LShoulderBack RShoulderBack
Place the marker on the shoulder joint (glenohumeral joint) on the back.
LShoulderTop RShoulderTop
Place the marker at the top of each shoulder where you can palpate the protruding bone, which is usually located just before where the upper arm start when in T-pose. More specifically, the prominence is on the distal end of the clavicle bone (acrominoclavicular joint).
Note that the waist markers are the key markers in modeling the pelvis bone, which is the major segment governing the other subsequent skeleton segments. For best results, avoid placing the waist markers in a rectangle shape. When tracking multiple actors with similar proportions, introduce an offset to one of the WaistBack marker, or the WaistCMarker (included only with the 13 additional markerset), to create an asymmetrical arrangements.
WaistLFront WaistRFront
Placed the marker on the protruding bone located on the front of the pelvis (left/right anterior iliac spine bone). The prominence can be palpated from left and right side of the waist.
WaistLBack WaistRBack
Place the WaistLBack and WaistRBack markers above left/right hip; about 10 cm above the hip joint.
LElbowOut RElbowOut
Upper Arm
Place the marker on the lateral side of the elbow joint, slightly towards the upper arm. More specifically, on the lateral epicondyle of the distal end of the humerous. Ask the actor to flex and extend the arm few times to confirm that markers are placed along the elbow axis and maintain stationary throughout the range of motion cycles.
LUArmHigh RUArmHigh
Upper Arm
Place the marker on the back of the upper arm near the groove between the triceps. For best results, LUArmHigh, LShoulderBack, BackTop, RshoulderNack, and RUArmHigh should align roughly in a straight line when in T-pose.
Finger markersets include extra markers on the fingers, and the finger tracking is done by analyzing the kinematics of the hand and estimating the pose of each finger. The WristIn marker is removed and replaced by a forearm marker. Attaching finger markers uses mocap Velcro gloves and hand markers, which can be found from our webstore.
Place the marker on the front side of the forearm while in T-pose. For best results, slightly offset the left and right forearm markers to introduce the asymmetry on each side.
LWristOut RWristOut
Fore Arm / Hand
This marker is not included in the finger markersets. Place the marker on the outside (lateral side) of the wrist axis. (distal end of the radius bone). Note that the wrist axis is not always located on the protruding bone but 1-2 cm more towards the hand.
LThumb RThumb
Place the marker on the side of the thumb joint.
LIndex RIndex
Place the marker on the side of the index finger joint (proximal interphalangeal joint).
LPinky RPinky
Place the marker on the side of the pinky finger joint (proximal interphalangeal joint).
LHandIn RHandIn
Place the marker on the knuckle of the index finger, but slightly towards the side.
LHandOut RHandOut
Place the marker on the knuckle of the pinky finger, but slightly towards the side.
LThighFront RThighFront
Upper Leg
Place the marker on the front side of the thigh, along the midline. For best results, slightly offset the height of the left and right markers to introduce the asymmetry.
LKneeOut RKneeOut
Upper Leg
Place the marker on the outter prominence of the knee joint; on the lateral epicondyle of the femur. Palpate the knee for the protruding bone from the upper leg, and place it right on the axis. Ask the actor to flex and extend the knee few times to confirm that the markers are placed along the axis and maintain stationary throughout the range of motion cycles.
LShin RShin
Lower Leg
Place the marker on the shin bone; on the midline of the lower leg. For best results, slightly offset the height of the left and right markers to introduce the asymmetry.
LAnkleOut RAnkleOut
Lower Leg/Foot
Place the marker on the protruding bone outside of the ankle joint; on the lateral end of the malleolus bone.
LToeOut RToeOut
Place the marker just before the little toe joint; on the distal end of the fifth metatarsal bone.
LToeIn RToeIn
Place the marker just before the big toe joint; on the distal end of the first metatarsal bone.
Hinged toe markersets create toe segments in the skeleton. Two additional markers are added to each foot, one on the toe-tip and another on the heel. The hinged toe markers are included in all baseline markersets except for Baseline (37) and Upper Body markersets.
LHeel RHeel
Place at the center of the heel.
LToeTip RToeTip
Place the marker on the tip of the second toe; next to the big toe.
This page provides instructions on integrating Manus gloves with an OptiTrack motion capture system.
Starting from Motive 3.0 and above, these gloves can be integrated into Motive. This allows for easy integration of the external glove tracking system directly in Motive so that it can be used in tandem with the OptiTrack system to provide a more comprehensive tracking solution.
Required Components
Manus Glove Prime X and Manus Glove Dongle.
Manus Core and Dashboard software
Motive 3.0 or above
(optional) MoCap suit and markers for full body capture.
Important Note
At the time of writing, the integration is supported for Manus Glove Prime X models only.
Sampling Rate: Manus gloves run at a fixed sampling rate of 90Hz. If the camera system is set to run at a higher frame rate higher, Motive will pad the missing samples in the glove data with previous samples.
Sync: Manus gloves do not support hardware synchronization. Thus, Motive uses a software synchronization scheme to attempt to keep Manus glove 'as close as possible' to mocap data.
Manus Dongle: Plug the Manus dongle on a separate USB bus from the one used to connect the USB Security Key. If both dongles are connected into the same bus, it may cause conflicts with Motive activation.
Before using Manus VR gloves in Motive, please ensure all gloves have been paired, calibrated and are able to report data from Manus software. This is a crucial first step for the successful use of Manus Gloves with Motive software.
Please note that steps required for setting up the glove may change depending on Manus Software versions. For the latest information, please refer to the manufacturer documentation.
Start the Manus Dashboard software.
Insert the Manus Glove Dongle(s) onto the computer. Do not connect the dongle into the same USB bus used by the USB Security Key as it can cause conflicts with device detection.
Power on the Manus Gloves.
(optional) You may need to pair the glove with the dongle if needed. The gloves should come already paired.
Calibrate each glove. This involves going through a series of hand gestures to calibrate the glove to the user’s hand. This helps give more robust finger solve data.
Start Motive and the gloves should appear in the Devices pane.
Note: We suggest that Manus Dashboard be closed to resolve some performance issues in Motive.
Before starting Motive, please make sure to launch Manus Dashboard and Manus Core software first.
Launch Motive. If the Manus VR is properly set up on the computer, connected gloves will be listed under the Devices pane.
Use the Builder pane to define a Skeleton asset in Motive. You can use any Skeleton model that is not designed to track fingers using motion capture data. The recommended Skeletons models to use are the Core 50 or Baseline 41.
After a Skeleton has been defined, pair the Skeleton to the glove device. Open the Devices pane, right-click on the listed glove device, and pair it to the Skeleton as shown in the screenshot below.
Once the glove has been configured and paired with the created Skeleton, the fingers will be tracking in Motive.
Once Motive starts tracking the glove, the finger tracking data can be outputted for various applications. Real-time finger data can be streamed into any NatNet client, and recorded finger data can be exported into other file formats. For instructions on outputting tracking data from Motive, refer to the following pages:
Place the marker on the head tip.
Place the marker at the center of the forehead.
HeadLeft HeadRight
Place markers on each side of the head (left and right), slightly above the ear. For better tracking results, the marker arrangement formed by HeadLeft, HeadRight, and HeadFront should form an asymmetrical arrangement. To achieve this, you can introduce a slight offset to one of the markers placed on the side, either HeadLeft or HeadRight marker.
Place the marker on the spine right below the neck. For best results, LUArmHigh-LShoulderBack-BackTop-RshoulderBack-RUArmHigh markers should align roughly in a straight line when the actor is in T-pose. Also, note that this marker must be placed at an elevation higher than the chest marker for the torso segment to be tracked properly.
Place the marker at the center of the sternum, about 5 cm below where the neck starts.
BackLeft BackRight
These two markers are located symmetrically on each side of the back, slightly below the lowest end of the shoulder blade (scapular bone).
When placing the shoulder markers, ask the actor to stand in the T-pose in order to place the markers on accurate locations. It could also be helpful to ask the actor to do few rounds of arm abduction and adduction to palpate for the shoulder axis. These markers determine the width of the shoulder and respective relationship with the upper arm segment.
LShoulderBack RShoulderBack
Place the marker on the shoulder joint (glenohumeral joint) on the back.
LShoulderTop RShoulderTop
Place the marker at the top of each shoulder where you can palpate the protruding bone, which is usually located just before where the upper arm start when in T-pose. More specifically, the prominence is on the distal end of the clavicle bone (acrominoclavicular joint).
Note that the waist markers are the key markers in modeling the pelvis bone, which is the major segment governing the other subsequent skeleton segments. For best results, avoid placing the waist markers in a rectangle shape. When tracking multiple actors with similar proportions, introduce an offset to one of the WaistBack marker, or the WaistCMarker (included only with the 13 additional markerset), to create an asymmetrical arrangements.
WaistLFront WaistRFront
Placed the marker on the protruding bone located on the front of the pelvis (left/right anterior iliac spine bone). The prominence can be palpated from left and right side of the waist.
WaistLBack WaistRBack
Place the WaistLBack and WaistRBack markers above left/right hip; about 10 cm above the hip joint.
LElbowOut RElbowOut
Upper Arm
Place the marker on the lateral side of the elbow joint, slightly towards the upper arm. More specifically, on the lateral epicondyle of the distal end of the humerous. Ask the actor to flex and extend the arm few times to confirm that markers are placed along the elbow axis and maintain stationary throughout the range of motion cycles.
LUArmHigh RUArmHigh
Upper Arm
Place the marker on the back of the upper arm near the groove between the triceps. For best results, LUArmHigh, LShoulderBack, BackTop, RshoulderNack, and RUArmHigh should align roughly in a straight line when in T-pose.
Finger markersets include extra markers on the fingers, and the finger tracking is done by analyzing the kinematics of the hand and estimating the pose of each finger. The WristIn marker is removed and replaced by a forearm marker. Attaching finger markers uses mocap Velcro gloves and hand markers, which can be found from our webstore.
Place the marker on the front side of the forearm while in T-pose. For best results, slightly offset the left and right forearm markers to introduce the asymmetry on each side.
LWristOut RWristOut
Fore Arm / Hand
This marker is not included in the finger markersets. Place the marker on the outside (lateral side) of the wrist axis. (distal end of the radius bone). Note that the wrist axis is not always located on the protruding bone but 1-2 cm more towards the hand.
LThumb RThumb
Place the marker on the side of the thumb joint.
LIndex RIndex
Place the marker on the side of the index finger joint (proximal interphalangeal joint).
LPinky RPinky
Place the marker on the side of the pinky finger joint (proximal interphalangeal joint).
LHandIn RHandIn
Place the marker on the knuckle of the index finger, but slightly towards the side.
LHandOut RHandOut
Place the marker on the knuckle of the pinky finger, but slightly towards the side.
LThighFront RThighFront
Upper Leg
Place the marker on the front side of the thigh, along the midline. For best results, slightly offset the height of the left and right markers to introduce the asymmetry.
LKneeOut RKneeOut
Upper Leg
Place the marker on the outter prominence of the knee joint; on the lateral epicondyle of the femur. Palpate the knee for the protruding bone from the upper leg, and place it right on the axis. Ask the actor to flex and extend the knee few times to confirm that the markers are placed along the axis and maintain stationary throughout the range of motion cycles.
LShin RShin
Lower Leg
Place the marker on the shin bone; on the midline of the lower leg. For best results, slightly offset the height of the left and right markers to introduce the asymmetry.
LAnkleOut RAnkleOut
Lower Leg/Foot
Place the marker on the protruding bone outside of the ankle joint; on the lateral end of the malleolus bone.
LToeOut RToeOut
Place the marker just before the little toe joint; on the distal end of the fifth metatarsal bone.
LToeIn RToeIn
Place the marker just before the big toe joint; on the distal end of the first metatarsal bone.
Hinged toe markersets create toe segments in the skeleton. Two additional markers are added to each foot, one on the toe-tip and another on the heel. The hinged toe markers are included in all baseline markersets except for Baseline (37) and Upper Body markersets.
LHeel RHeel
Place at the center of the heel.
LToeTip RToeTip
Place the marker on the tip of the second toe; next to the big toe.
Included in place of the HeadSide marker. Place the marker on the left side of the head, slight above the ear. For best tracking results, place either the HeadLeft marker or the HeadRight marker slightly further behind the ear in order to introduce more distinct asymmetry to left and right side.
Included in place of the HeadSide marker. Place the marker on the right side of the head, slightly above the ear. See above descriptions for the HeadLeft marker for comments on the asymmetry.
Included in place of the Chest marker. Place the marker at the center of the chest (sternum); approximately 5 cm below where the neck starts.
Included in place of the Chest marker. Place the marker where bottom of the two rib cages conjoin; the lowest end of the sternum (xiphoid process).
Place the marker about 5 cm above the pelvis bone, near the center of the waist back (on the spine) with a slight offset towards the right (or left). This is usually located slightly above one of the dimples located on the waist back (posterior iliac spine bone).
LThighSide RThighSide
Upper Leg
Place the marker on the lateral side of the thigh. Ideally, L/R ThighSide, L/R KneeOut, and L/R AnkleOut markers should be aligned roughly in a straight line.