Head Markers
Left Anterior Head Right Anterior Head
Place the markers on the left and right side of the fore head. The respective location is shown in the Skeleton figure.
Left Posterior head Right Posterior head
Place the markers on the left and right side of the head about 2 cm behind the ear. The respective location is shown in the Skeleton figure.
Torso Markers
Sternum Jugular Notch
Top most section of the sternum. Place the marker on the center of the two clavicle bones.
Sternum Xiphoid Process
Lowest section of the sternum. Place the marker 1-2 cm above where bottom of the two rib cages conjoin.
Cervical Spine Vertebra 7
The 7th cervical spine vertebra is the largest vertebra located at the most inferior region of the neck. This section usually protrudes to the posterior side and can be palpated.
Thoracic Spine Vertebra 2
The second thoracic spine vertebra is located three spine levels below the C7 vertebra. Which is located approximately at same height with shoulder joint markers.
Thoracic Spine Vertebra 7
Usually located at the center of the thoracic spinal column.
Upper Arm / Shoulder
Left Glenohumeral Joint Right Glenohumeral Joint
Place the marker on the posterior side of the shoulder axis. Ask the subject to posture in T-pose while placing the markers.
Waist Markers
Left Iliac Anterior Spine Right Iliac Anterior Spine
Place the marker on the protruding bones located on the left and right side of the pelvis front.
Left Iliac Posterior Spine Right Iliac Posterior Spine
Place each marker on the two dimples which can be palpated near the spine right above the hips.
Note that the waist markers are the key markers in modeling the pelvis bone, which is the major segment governing the other subsequent Skeleton segments.
Upper Extremity Markers
Left Clavicle-Acromion Joint Right Clavicle-Acromion Joint
Ask the subject to stretch both arms towards the side (T-pose), then palpate top of each shoulder for the protruding bone. The prominence is usually located at the end of the corresponding clavicle bone just before where the upper arm starts.
Upper Arm
Left Humerus Lateral Epicondyle Right Humerus Lateral Epicondyle
Placed the markers on the lateral side of the elbow axis. Flex and extend the arm few times to find where elbow axis is located.
Upper Arm
Left Humerus Medial Epicondyle Right Humerus Medial Epicondyle
Place on the medial side of the elbow axis. Ask the subject to flex and extend the arm while placing the markers.
Upper Arm
Left Upper Arm Right Upper Arm
Ask the subject to stand in T-pose while placing the marker. Palpate to find the groove between the triceps muscles where skin movements are relatively minimal.
Hand Markers
Left Hand Second metatarsal Right Hand Second metatarsal
Place the marker slight below the knuckle of the index finger.
Left Ulna Styloid Process Right Ulna Styloid Process
Place the marker on the lateral side of the wrist axis.
Left Radius Styloid Process Right Radius Styloid Process
Place the marker on the medial side of the wrist axis.
For best results, place the three hand markers so the created shape is asymmetrical (avoid isosceles shape) and unique from the marker arrangements on the other hand. Since the wrist markers have defined placement — along the wrist axis — introduce small amount of positional offset to the LHM2 and RHM2 markers.
Lower Extremity Markers
Left Femoral greater Trochanter Right Femoral greater Trochanter
Place the markers on left and right side of the hip, where you can palpate the hip joint or the most lateral prominence of the greater trochanter.
Upper Leg
Left Femur Lateral Epicondyle Right Femur Lateral Epicondyle
Place the marker on the lateral prominence of the knee joint axis. More specifically, the marker should be placed on the femur epicondyle. You may need to ask the subject to flex and extend the knee few times to locate the axis.
Upper Leg
Left Femur Medial Epicondyle Right Femur Medial Epicondyle
Place the marker on the Medial prominence of the knee joint axis. Ask the subject to flex and extend the knee few times to locate the knee axis.
Upper Leg
Left Thigh Right Thigh
Place the markers at the front center of the thigh near the midline. This marker is placed for distinguishing left and right side of the Skeleton. For best results, slightly offset the height of right and left marker to introduce an asymmetry.
Upper Leg
Left Superior Knee Right Superior Knee
Place the markers on the shin bone near the midline of the lower leg. This marker is placed for distinguishing left and right side of the Skeleton. For best results, slightly offset the height of right and left marker to introduce an asymmetry.
Lower Leg
Left Tibial Tubercle Right Tibial Tubercle
Place the marker about 2-3 cm below the knee cap bone. This marker should be placed on the most anterior point of the tibial tuberosity.
Lower Leg
Left Fibula Apex Right Fibula Apex
While standing, place the markers approximately 5 cm below the LFLE and RFLE markers. This marker should be placed on the lateral prominence of proximal end of the fibula.
The joint center of the knee and the ankle is modeled at the midpoint of the lateral and medial joint markers (FLE/FME and FAL/TAM). Assuming that center of the femoral head aligns with the center of the acetabulum, its virtual location is modeled using markers on the pelvis segment (posterior and anterior iliac spine markers). The lower extremity segments are modeled along these three virtual locations.
Foot Markers
Lower Leg/Foot
Left Fibula Ankle Lateral Right Fibula Ankle Lateral
Place the maker on the lateral side of the ankle axis; on the lateral prominence of the lateral malleolus bone.
Lower Leg/Foot
Left Talus Ankle Medial Right Talus Ankle Medial
Place the maker on the medial side of the ankle axis; on the medial prominence of the medial malleolus bone
Left Foot Fifth Metatarsal Right Foot Fifth Metatarsal
Place the marker on the dorsal aspect of the fifth metatarsal bone.
Left Foot Second Metatarsal Right Foot Second Metatarsal
Place the marker on the dorsal aspect of the second metatarsal bone.
Left Foot First Metatarsal Right Foot First Metatarsal
Place the marker on the dorsal aspect of the first metatarsal bone.
Left Foot Calcaneus Right Foot Calcaneus
Place the marker on center of the heel, where the Achilles tendon attaches to the calcneous bone.
Left First Distal Phalanx Right First Distal Phalanx
Place the marker near the end of the big toe. More specifically, the marker should be placed at the distal end of the first phalanges.
Leardini, A., Biagi, F., Merlo, A., Belvedere, C., Benedetti, M.G., 2011. Multi-segment trunk kinematics during locomotion and elementary exercises. Clin. Biomech. 26, 562-571.
Leardini, A., Sawacha, Z., Paolini, G., Ingrosso, S., Nativo, R., Benedetti, M.G., 2007. A new anatomically based protocol for gait analysis in children. Gait Posture 26. 560-571.
CV7 (C7)
TV2 (T2)
TV7 (T7)
LFM2* (SM) RFM2*
In a Motive Body license, there are a number of Skeleton Marker Set templates for biomechanics tracking applications. When attaching the markers, reference the Skeleton avatar from the Builder pane for relative locations. Then refer to the corresponding Marker Set pages, or related reference materials, for additional descriptions on where each marker must be placed on the subject.
Biomechanics Marker Sets**:**
Helen Hayes Lower Body
Rizzoli Lower Feet (44)
Conventional Full Body (39)
Conventional Upper Body (27)
Conventional Lower Body (16)
Biomechnical Analysis
Biomechanical analysis requires advanced computations in order to obtain most accurate biomechanical data. However, joint angles generated and exported from Motive are intended for basic visualization purposes only and should not be used for any type of biomechanical or clinical analysis. To use captured tracking data for such applications, the 3D markers data must be pipelined down to a biomechanical analysis software (STT InSight, Visual3D or The MotionMonitor) for further analysis.
Asymmetry is the key to avoiding the congruency for tracking multiple Marker Sets. When there are more than one similar marker arrangements in the volume, marker labels may be confused. Thus, it is beneficial to place segment makers — joint markers must always be placed on anatomical landmarks — in asymmetrical positions for similar rigid bodies and skeletal segments. This provides a clear distinction between two similar arrangements. Furthermore, avoid placing markers in a symmetrical shape within the segment as well. For example, a perfect square marker arrangement will have ambiguous orientation and frequent mislabels may occur throughout the capture. Instead, follow the rule of thumb of placing the less critical markers in asymmetrical arrangements.
Rizzoli Marker Sets protocols are available in Motive for human motion tracking. The Rizzoli protocols are developed and researched from the Movement Analysis Laboratory in the Rizzoli Orthopedics Institute, Italy.
In biomechanics tracking applications, proper marker placements are critical to the human motion tracking and the respective biomechanical analysis; and for this reason, precise identification of the anatomical landmarks and marker placements have to be performed. With a Motive Body license, marker locations are indicated over the avatar displayed in the . This page provides additional details on the anatomical locations of the marker placements for the Rizzoli protocols.
The Rizzoli Lower Body template integrates a novel marker placement for lower body tracking. This Marker Sets is designed to provide a complete description of 3D segment and joint motion for analyzing the pelvis and lower extremity kinematics. The following chart includes anatomical landmark descriptions of where the markers need to be placed for accurate and reliable analysis of the lower body movement.
Includes total six calibration markers for creating the Skeleton asset during static trials (RME/LME, RMM/LMM, RSM/LSM). They are highlighted in red.
Two thigh markers (RTH and LTH) and two shank markers (RSK and LSK) have been added to the protocol to better distinguish the left and right of the Skeleton.
For more information on the segment and joint definitions, please refer to the referenced research papers.
Rizzoli Lower Body Protocol Markers
*These markers need to be removed after the Skeleton has been created in Motive.
An extra RBAK marker was added to the protocol for improved identification of left and right side of the tracked Skeleton.
For more information on the Rizzoli Trunk Marker Set, please refer to the referenced research papers.
Rizzoli Trunk Markers
The Rizzoli Body template combines the Rizzoli Lower Body Protocol and the Rizzoli Trunk Protocol to provide tracking of the full-body kinematics.
Rizzoli Full Body Markers
*These markers need to be removed after the Skeleton has been created in Motive.
There are two calibration markers in each foot protocol. They are located at the apex of the medial malleolus (RMM/LMM) and the lowest point of the heel center (RCAp/LCAp). These markers are only for creating the asset for static trials, and they need to be removed for dynamic trials.
Refer to the referenced papers for specific information on the joint and segment definitions.
Rizzoli Foot Markers
*These markers need to be removed after the Skeleton has been created in Motive.
Leardini, A., Sawacha, Z., Paolini, G., Ingrosso, S., Nativo, R., Benedetti, M.G., 2007. A new anatomically based protocol for gait analysis in children. Gait Posture 26. 560-571.
Leardini, A., Biagi, F., Merlo, A., Belvedere, C., Benedetti, M.G., 2011. Multi-segment trunk kinematics during locomotion and elementary exercises. Clin. Biomech. 26, 562-571.
Leardini, A., Benedetti, M.G., Berti, L., Bettinelli, D., Nativo, R., Giannini, S., 2007. Rear-foot, mid-foot and fore-foot motion during the stance phase of gait. Gait Posture 25. 453-462.
Portinaro, N., Leardini, A., Panou, A., Monzani, V., Caravaggi, P., 2014. Modifying the Rizzoli foot model to improve the diagnosis of pes-planus: application to kinematics of feet in teenagers. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 7, 57.
This Marker Set is designed for tracking multi-segment trunk kinematics. Total 10 markers are place on the torso and 4 markers are placed around pelvis, and an extra back marker (RBAK) was added on the right scapula solely for improved tracking.
Total four markers were placed around the waist for tracking the pelvis segment, and the orientation of the pelvis segment (Pel) is defined by these markers.
Total four markers are used for tracking the thorax segment, where two acromion markers (RA and LA) make the shoulder line segment for tracking the segment rotation and translations.
For the spine motion tracking, a 5-link segment model is created from the six spine markers.
The Rizzoli Left/Right Foot template provides precise tracking of the foot kinematics by modeling three-foot segments – rear-foot, mid-foot, and fore-foot – from the markers that are placed on carefully identified anatomical landmarks of the foot . The following diagrams and the chart detail on where each marker needs to be placed on the right foot protocol. The placements for the left foot will be anatomically equivalent but reflected.
Anterior superior iliac spine.
Posterior superior iliac spine.
Upper Leg
Most lateral prominence of the greater trochanter external surface.
Upper Leg
Place near the midline of the thigh. Used only for a tracking purpose of distinguishing left and right side. For best result, offset the height of the marker between left and right side.
Upper Leg
Most lateral prominence of the lateral femoral epicondyle. Together with LM markers, it determines the location of knee joint axis.
Lower Leg
Head, proximal end, of the fibula.
Lower Leg
Most anterior border of the tibial tuberosity.
Upper Leg
Place near the midline of the shin. Used only for a tracking purpose of distinguishing left and right side. For best result, offset the height of the marker between left and right side.
Lower Leg
Distal apex of the lateral malleolus.
Upper ridge of the calcaneus posterior surface. The aspect of the Achilles tendon insertion on the calcaneus[1].
Dorsal aspect of fifth metatarsal head.
Dorsal aspect of first metatarsal head.
These markers are added on the distal phalanx only for the toe segment tracking purpose, and they are not included in the biomechanical analysis. Place the marker near the end of the big toe. More specifically, the marker should be placed at the distal end of the first phalanges.
Upper Leg
Medial prominence of the medial femoral epicondyle.
Lower Leg
Distal apex of the medial malleolus.
Dorsal aspect of second metatarsal head.
Acromio-clavicular joint
Placed near the right scapula apex: Used only to Identify left and right of the Skeleton.
Seventh cervical vertebrae.
Second thoracic vertebrae
Midpoint between left and right scapular apex, near the T10 vertebrae.
Jugular Notch. Most superior region of the sternum, where it meets the clavicle bones.
Xiphoid process of the sternum. Most inferior region of the sternum.
First lumbar vertebrae.
Third lumbar vertebrae.